
We are a young American family. Daniel is 32, and a starundergraduate student at our state’s finest college. He enjoys drinking. He
is a vaguely attractive, occasionally hilarious, mildly intelligent
homo sapiens. Leah is 30, and is the heart and
soul of our family. Besides cooking gourmet meals, making a home,
wrangling children, and watching complete trash, she is looking forward to starting pharmacy school in the fall. She is an absolutely
gorgeous, supremely intelligent, just-a-hair-under divine blonde
bombshell. Chloë is a wily, spry 7 year old. She attends Adams
Spanish Immersion School, and es muy
. Rex-Goliath is a frenetic little pup. He is 3 years old and is turning out to be a great big brother.
(shockingly) Xavier is a year old, a troublemaker. Princess Pug has just moved in with Gramma Vicky and is living the high life.

2 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Stefany said,

    How do I subscribe to this wonderfulblog? I have a similar brain capacity to Princess Pug and can obviously not figure it out. A little help would be divine!

  2. 2

    Elizabeth said,

    I think it’s time to update this section! 🙂

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